"I AM" (Exodus preview) by TREY SMITH of 'God in a Nutshell Project'- (12.10.23)

1 year ago

This short twelve (12) minute video is comprised of clips from "Exodus: Rise of Joseph" by the God in a Nutshell project.

God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you’ (Exodus 3:14).

"Into Eternity" is music from Trevor Demaere.

We hope you enjoy this short journey.

~ Trey Smith

"I AM" is by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell. https://www.godinanutshell.com/video-archive/exodus-i-the-rise-of-joseph/

Video Source: https://rumble.com/v40ipbd-i-am-by-trey-smith.html

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