Dan Ball: CCP Launching Cold War Against the United States

1 year ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/17/2023 Dan Ball (GETTR&X: @dannewsmanball), host of "One America News": The Chinese Communist Party has been subtly and covertly infiltrating the United States for three decades by meddling in the media, universities, education, NGOs, etc. People are busy making a living and don't notice the CCP sending their men across our borders and letting fentanyl kill Americans. It's a cold war.
#TakeDownCCP #NFSC

【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】 12/17/2023 "同一个美国新闻网"节目主持人丹·波尔(GETTR&X: @dannewsmanball):中共通过插手媒体、大学、教育、非营利组织等诸多领域,微妙而隐蔽地渗透着美国,已经长达三十年。人们忙于生计,注意不到中共派兵穿越我们的边境以及放任芬太尼杀死美国人。这是一场冷战。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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