UndergroundGettyMuseum PedocriminalMatrix, Alfred Lambremont Weber & Steven D. Kelley Feb 5, 2018

1 year ago

Exposing the Underground Getty Museum - Pedo Facility, its Function, Status and the Future of the Pedocriminal Matrix - with Steven D. Kelley - Feb 5, 2018
Steven D. Kelley: Sign the White House Petition and Liberate the war crimes pedo facility under the Getty Museum in LA

I'm sharing this original video from, 'Alfred Lambremont Webre', at FaceBook and at YouTube 'OmniversityTV', under different titles by 'ALW'.

'Exposing the Underground Getty Museum Pedo Facility, its Function, Status and the Future of the Pedocriminal Matrix' with Steven D. Kelley - Feb 5, 2018

WEBINAR: "Exposing the Underground Getty Museum Pedo Facility, its Function, Status and the Future of the Pedocriminal Matrix" with Steven D. Kelley

Monday Feb. 5, 2018 at 2pm PST, 3pm MTN, 4pm CST, 5pm EST, 22:00PM GMT, 23:00 CET, Midnight Moscow Time, 0600am KL & HK time, 0:900am Melbourne AUST time.

This was originally from Facebook (title used above), and YouTube, links to originals.


Title at YouTube is - Steven D Kelley: Sign White House Petition & Liberate pedo facility under Getty Museum in LA, Feb, 6, 2018


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Group Name: OccupyTheGetty/Steven D Kelley


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Steven's EMAIL for correspondence is: law17gun@aol.com - To request the book PDF, healing request, Jedi request, or questions. But, NOT for PayPal.

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Soon again at: https://twitter.com/1Stevendkelley

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