Twin Towers (2) on (16 Acres) September 11th 2001.

1 year ago

Barack Hussein Obama Born: 4th August 1961.

Born. 8.4.61.

The 216th Day of the Year. 6x6x6 = 216 = Revelation 13:18.

Wikipedia page number 216.

Movie Pi Faith In Chaos 1998. All about 216.

911 = 804 + 19 + 61 + 21 + 6 = 911.

Math's = Economics = Rev 13:16 - 17 - 18.

Obama born 4th August 1961.

+ 66 Years 6 Months (666) Rev 13:18

= 4th February 2028. Milestone.

Obama in the situation room Whitehouse. Hillary Clinton said those were the most intense "38" Minutes of my life.

Math. 4th August (216th Day) + 38 Days = September 11th Annually.

Osama Take down? 2nd May 2011.

+ 4 Months 8 Days (48)

= 9/11/2011.
Obama reads Psalm 46 and declares himself god. 10th Year anniversary.

+ 2 Months 1 Year 6 days (216) Pi Faith in Chaos 1998.

= 16 Acres.
Released USA 16th November 2012.
Sacred Ground.
Prime Real Estate.
Battle Royale.

9/11/2001 Lest We Forget.

+ 4800 Days (48)

= One World Trade Center officially opens:
November 3rd 2014.
8 Sided Obelisk.

Washington Monument.

Commissioned: 1848... 666/48 = Obama.

Finished 1884... 666/84 = Obama.

Obama moved into the Whitehouse 2009 aged 48 = 4.8.2009.

216th Year of the Whitehouse 2009 since 1793 Cornerstone laying ceremony.

Zenith 2016 Book.

Obama Born 8.4.61.

+ 40 Years (480 Months)

August 2001 Being Obama's 480th Month of Life. The whole month up until:

September 11th 2001.

Obama starts Political Carrer.
Chicago Ilinois Senator for 408 weeks.
10th January 1997.

+ 4 Years 8 Months (48)

= 9/11/2001 = Lest We Forget.

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