SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS - Plus winner of the G.A.W.

1 year ago

Week Ending 50 Friday Night Chat

For the record in this video I am not promoting a VIOLENT revolution to take back our COUNTRY. However, when these "10 EVIL KINGS" come for you and better be ready to FIGHT. In all of recorded History nowhere do we find that humanity was called into a voluntary surrender of their FREEDOM and LIBERTY. There is a reason why our FOUNDING FATHERS wrote the 2nd Amendment. You ought to go research what the Virginia State Flag Motto means "Sic Semper Tyrannis" .

If you could see the fire storm coming. If you spent as much time in research as many of us would scream at the top of your lungs FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. Yes friends we have much to warn you about in this episode. There is so much predictive programming being conducted currently that warrants our attention, we have all of the Media, Washington DC, Higher Education, Hollywood, Religious Zealots, Massive Unvetted Immigration, Credit Card Companies becoming insolvent, and Global Cabals all begging us to light the powder keg so that these ELITES can swing the blame away from their responsibility and fault racism and WHITE CHRISTIANS / Conservatives for the fall of the Republic. They can't wait until MARTIAL LAW is activated so they can have legitimate reason and cause to stomp their BOOT on our NECKS and usher in the GREAT RESET. The entire system WILL collapse, what we have now is the propaganda campaign kicking off by using Plausible Deniability as their slight of hand trick. The same ole meatloaf they always heat up and serve time and time again. If you don't think that there is not a FLASE FLAG event coming in 2024 then I can't help you.

Meanwhile SOTH Mike Johnson is playing buddy buddy with Zelenskyy and Paul Ryan. Yes we have an IMPEACHMENT coming, let's all fly our ISRAEL ( ZIONIST SATANIST ) flag in our churches and on government property, let's prop up the Transgender movement and keep it front and center.....JILL BIDEN is the key note speaker for that campaign...just look at how these pedophiles decorated the WHITE HOUSE for Christmas. Yes Friends DISTRACTION, DISTRACTION, DISTRACTION.....all we need is one more JENGA block to fall. Will it be TRUMP in PRISON? A so called attack by RUSSIA, A cyber attack, A major bombing in a Democrat City, or perhaps a total GRID DOWN power outage this winter? Can you imagine what the CLIMATE CULT would do if we were hit with a WINTER STORM like the BLIZZARD of 1978? They would wet themselves. The mental illness and moral decay from this 100 year PICNIC is about to reap it's harvest. To quote the great evangelist R.G LEE, "It's going to be a payday someday".

Links for the video ( These two Alternative Media News articles broke days after I pre-recorded this video set to go public for Friday night ) HYPE? or HYSTERIA? This ought to follow the S.H.T.F Training principle that I teach, " Better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it "

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