Decoding the Middle East Conflict: Land Dispute or Historical Hatred?

1 year ago

Farrukh - Thank you very much Brother Keith and welcome right I like that I should discuss with you about ongoing situation in the middle especially what is happening in Israel on 7th of October right.

So, I would like to discuss with you what is the real issue in the Middle East. So, I straightly come to my first question - Is it accurate to say that the middle east issue is a fundamentally about land or does historical evidence indicate a deeper problem related to the hatred of jJews

Keith - The problem is the land is the excuse to attack the jews the issue is just about jew hatred and if you look at the history of the jews and you look at the modern history of Israel,you can see this is so if you turn the clock back to say 100 years when over 100 years when herzel was trying to create the state of Israel and the reason he wanted to create the state of Israel was to protect jews from antisemitism in Europe mainly then when the jews started to migrate to Israel in the late 1800s and all the land that they per they all the land that the Israel got jews received they received it by purchasing it a top dollar usually in fact they usually maybe paid over a top dollar.

So, this idea that the Jews stole land from the pal so-called Palestinians is a complete myth. The only time that Palestinians or Arabs were dispossessed from the land was when they attacked the Jews to try and destroy them after the United Nations proclaimed. The partition plan in 1947 and resolution 181 and that is the only time that they lost land because they may wage war against the Jews and the only time that Arabs have lost land was when they were aggressive and attacked the J right. in a defensive war and under international law if you wage war against another country and you lose land as a result of that aggressive war, you're not entitled to that land back so this whole so the world is also hatred of the jew is also hatred of the jew because they support the idea of giving up land in defensive wars.

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