How Many Games Did We Play On Nintendo Switch in 2023??

1 year ago

One of the really cool things that Nintendo does every year, or at least they've done on the Nintendo Switch, is send out an end-of-year recap showing you what games you've played, how much you've played, what categories and more. 2023 has been a busy year but I've still been able to play my Nintendo Switch. Let's take a look at the recap that Nintendo provided.

First game of the year played:
Nintendo Switch Online N64
If you would have put a gun to my head and asked me the first game I would have played in 2023 I never in a million years would have said the N64 Switch Online. I couldn't even tell you what game I played.

Total games played:
42. And here I thought it was just The answer to the meaning of the universe and everything.

Total hours played
I actually played 150 hours this year, I have no idea if that is more or less than in 2022 but I think it's more.

Most played games
Number one: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
This comes as no surprise to me, whether I am playing with my oldest daughter, youngest daughter, or just by myself. If there is one game that has been a constant in our Switch this year it had to be Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Number two: NES Online
This one surprises me a little bit, I would have thought I spent more time on other games but I guess not. With the NES Online, I've been able to go back and play some of my favorite games from one of my favorite systems.

Number 3: Super NES Online
I'm actually a bit shocked that this was not ranked higher than the NES Online since I've spent so much time going back and replaying Super Mario World this year. This is probably my personal favorite part of the Switch Online service.

What sorts of games did I play the most?
Classic Games
Action Games
Racing Games

Again this is no surprise to me. I love the Switch Online service, but I'm surprised that it says I played more action games than racing games, but if it's talking about the individual titles I guess that makes sense.

What games and genres did you play the most on your Nintendo Switch in 2023? Did you play more games and more hours than I did? Let me know in the comments.

#nintendoswitch #2023SwitchRecap #mariokart8deluxe #holidayswithshorts #shortsirl #switcholed #switchonline

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