Euclid mission releases its first images | S26E137

1 year ago

The Space News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 137
*Euclid mission releases its first images
Astronomers have released the first images from the European Space Agency’s Euclid spacecraft which is on a mission to study the dark universe.
*Europe to build a new cargo ship for space station transport
European Space Agency is to develop a spacecraft to carry supplies and possibly crew to the International Space Station and beyond to lunar gateway.
*HAARP artificial airglow warning
Alaskans were warned last week that that HAARP -- the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program might be about to create artificial airglow in the cold arctic skies.
*The Science Report
Warnings that 19% of European species now under threat of extinction.
Study shows kids who drink caffeinated beverages on a daily basis tend to try alcohol at a younger age.
Is your child a poor sleeper? If so, it might be in their genes.
Alex on Tech looks at the Optus crash

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