The Truth about the Wisemen: MFP episode #13 Magi Madness

11 months ago

Who are the Wisemen that came to see Jesus? Why did they get there two years later? How many showed up? 3 or 300? We will examine from the Bible and history who the Magi really were. History calls them the King makers. No one could become king in that region unless the MAGI approved them. We find Daniel in Babylon was from God. He became the chief of the Magi and had so much influence of there beliefs. How did they know about Messiah? How did they know about the time of his birth? How did they know about the star. DANIEL!
Matthew 12; Numbers 24:17; Micah 5:2; Daniel 2:10,27,28; 4:7-9; 5:11

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