in case you did not know this

9 months ago

I'm letting you into a little bit of me. the way I work. I work hard I work long and I bring it home everyday damn time. I insult or what they may take as insults many people groups beliefs and other things. but I do believe that no one ever has the right to do that until they can put themselves on the same level. insult yourself point out your shortcomings point out your great things that's wonderful but guess what? you're no better than me. and if you are then hey kudos you go girl you go guy you do you. we need people like you so long as you're on the correct side. the side of freedom and Justice and equality. I have a tattoo on my right wrist because it's the hand closest to my heart and which I put my hand on when I say the pledge of allegiance when I'm singing my national anthem when I mean something 💯. I might call you a dumbass but I'll point out many things that I've done in the same role of being a dumbass. we've all been one at one point in our lives and to own it is to be true. I am not perfect and no human being on this planet ever will be or has been. I believe that only god is perfect. we've taken what he has given us and manipulated it for our own destruction and you know what? I think we deserve it. there are times where I just think that's what you get you poked a bear now you get the claws! you opened up Pandora's box now let's see what your gift is. it's not going to be pretty. so I own my s***. not enough people do these days and that's a damn shame. cuz maybe more of us did we wouldn't have half the problems we got now

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