The Forbidden QHHT® Topic: Releasing Entities

1 year ago

The Forbidden QHHT® Topic

(Special Savings Offer from Laura is below!)

What is the topic? How did Dolores make her decision and what did she say to her students in the live classes? What has happened since 2012, and how has the world changed since Dolores left the earth plane? Join Candace Craw-Goldman and Laura Whitworth for this frank conversation. If topics like "entities" or transhumanism or AY-EYE are not your jam, you will do best by scrolling on by.

Here is Laura's main site where you can find more information.

Spirit Releasement!

Laura created ‘Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H ®)’ through wanting to utilise a Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing technique that does everything! Over the years, Laura has encountered many situations that are not covered in many popular Past Life Regression Techniques. Clients have Trauma from this lifetime that needs to be worked through before progressing into Past Lives. Or Clients have Entity or Energetic attachments that do not allow them to progress successfully into the Theta Brainwave state. Clients then need these Entity attachments taking off, their Chakras Re-building and their Aura Re-sealing before we are able to progress into a Past Life Regression. Laura’s Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H.) Technique ensures that any Traumas and Entities are dealt with and any Energetic Adjustments are made prior to us embarking on the Past Life Regression Journey and then the Higher Self Questions.

The course is on offer until the end of December at £399. With the code 'BQH' this will give your supporters £50 off the price which will take it to £349.

Please know that even though the sale ends soon, The code BQH for £50 off the price remains valid into the future. So even if now is not t

Did you know that channels like ours are being SEN SORED and videos DEEE LETED? For asking questions? For talking about self-healing and human potential and the miracles we see in our healing practices? It is true. We may not survive on YouTube, but hopefully Rumble will remain available to us.

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Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of Beyond Quantum Healing and Quantum Connect – modalities that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of, a GURU-free community of Healers and Wayshowers. is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.

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