The Great Food Reset - Dr. Noh and James Corbett Discuss Solutions

1 year ago

There IS a food crisis on the horizon, and it's being executed by our Criminal Overlords rapidly and on a global scale. You merely have to connect a few dots in order to come to that realization.

Some facts:
Farmers in numerous countries around the world have had their fertilizer supply cut off. As well, John Kerry, America’s Climate Tzar and private jet owner, has recently said, “We have to reduce emissions from the food system.”
Cricket farms are popping up everywhere, and even Hollywood starlet Nicole Kidman can be seen gracefully eating a plate of mealworms on camera. “A bit chewy, but exquisite.” Munch, munch.

And, of course, Bill Gates, the world’s leading unlicensed epidemiologist, is now the largest private owner of farmland in the United States. Lest you think he’s going to fight climate change by turning all that land into a vast CO2-absorbing forest, think again.

Meanwhile, what does the legacy media have to say about this? Crickets… They would rather keep the masses ignorant, divided, and fighting over which flag they posted on their social media accounts.

So, how can we navigate through this Great Food Reset?
James Corbett’s message in this episode of his Solutions Watch series, mirrored here on the Noh Mask Channel, is practical, natural, and poetically on-point. “The Earth is ABUNDANT. If we all return to the soil and trust that Nature will provide, we can all navigate through this crisis together and create a shared knowledge for future generations.”

So, Klaus, YOU eat ze Bugs! And I’ll enjoy this wonderful vegetable tajine tonight, of which 70% was grown by your's truly.

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Dr. Noh (Organic/non-GMO farmer)

The Corbett Report

These are the opinions and musings at this point in time in my life's journey. Should they inspire you, let's walk together and learn from each other. Should they offend, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

#greatfoodreset, #jamescorbett, #GMO, #self-sufficiency, #greatreset

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