The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal - EXPOSING THE MASTERPLAN OF THE CABAL

1 year ago

Complete exposition of all the way to the origins of the Kabbalah. The roots of the Rothschild family. Adam Weishaupt and Amschel Rothschild, the founders of the Illuminati Order. The true ideology of the Cabal, its infiltration in the Masonic Lodges and its Secret Alliances. Their goal of absolute world domination, a One World Government (New World Order) led by Zionists. Full exposition on one of the most influential NGOs of the 21st century, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Their complicity in vaccination experiments on innocent people around the world with the cooperation of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to deploy Gene Drive technology.
The main objective of the New World Order is complete world domination. Population control (Depopulation). This evil Luciferian plan using the following: (1) the use of additives (food and water) such as: aspartame, fluoride, xeno-estrogens, heavy metals, magnetic particles; which cause cancer, infertility and the destruction of our nervous system. (2) Planned Parenthood (Abortion), gender confusion (LGBTQIA+) with a sex booster to minor children as early as age 5. (3) Chemtrails admitted by our governments spraying heavy metals raining down on us, which our bodies absorb and store them inside our brains wreaking devastation. (4) Electromagnetic radiation from the use of wireless technology and grid electricity. Increasing its radiation to the infamous (5G). (6) Vaccines (Gene Drive Technology). The list goes on. Everything is related, there are no coincidences. It is time to open your eyes and wake up from this deep sleep. Wake up! #Godwins

Janet Ossebaard 💔💔💔 RIP

🎯Life is based on countless experiences. It is never too late to learn, give yourself a chance. To be free you need to learn from a whole objective and not subjective edited truth. The truth will set you free even if facts checkers don't agree.

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