Houthis Tell America To 'Bring It On' With Plane/Top Gun Video, There's Just One Hilarious Problem

1 year ago

Full disclosure, this tweet passed this editor's timeline several times today before we wrote it, but it was so goofy and so silly we assumed it was a parody. A joke. Except it likely isn't. No really. You guys have to watch this with sound ON: “Yemen tells America to bring it on.” -- Ha. HA ha. HA HA ha. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.They have an airplane and they want the world to know they’re not afraid to use it. Never mind that their only fighter appears to be an F-5 which was produced sometime between 1959-1987, we should be very scared of their aerial might. Read that again. They have AN AIRPLANE … Holy Heckins, that is funny.

• More at: Twitchy - Yemen Tells America to 'Bring It On' With Plane/Top Gun Video, There's Just One HILARIOUS Problem

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