I Asked Strangers in China to Throw a Party in THEIR House

1 year ago

I Asked Strangers in China to Throw a Party in THEIR House

Impossible mission? Well... Let's see. "Talk to Strangers" book FINALLY available everywhere: https://www.yestheorybook.com/

⚡️ Follow this link and you can choose to purchase it at http://seek-discomfort.com/yes-theory or Amazon. If you want it on Kindle or Audible... That's available there too!

We're super proud of Matt and the whole team who made this possible. His goal is to hit 50,000 copies, we're still quite far but let's see how close we can get to hitting it!

🙏🏼 Thank you for making these videos possible through your support of Seek Discomfort
⚡️ For Holiday Special Deals at SEEK DISCOMFORT: http://seek-discomfort.com/yes-theory

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