1 year ago

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December 12/2023
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December 19/ 2023
White Hats Military Arrest Lloyd Austin Assistant Defense Secretary👩‍💼🚨🧑‍🚀🐝

White Hat forces on Saturday arrested Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Tanya M. Skeen, one of many unknown and seemingly irrelevant undersecretaries who answer to the criminal Lloyd Austin. A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that U.S. Marines apprehended Skeen based on evidence that she, ostensibly with Austin’s blessing, wired $35 million—pilfered from the DoD’s war chest–to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s personal savings account in Kyiv.

The $35m was independent of the $200m that illegitimate pResident Joseph R. Biden pledged to Ukraine on December 13.

“If one believes the cabal, the U.S. has given Ukraine about $75 billion. From what we’ve seen and heard at tribunals, our figures put that number above a trillion. The whole administration, top to bottom, is on the grift, and even though they’re losing, and losing big, they’re fighting to the last man to bankrupt the U.S.A. and turn it into the United States of Ukraine. Skeen is just the latest player in the scheme,” our source said.

Skeen was appointed by Biden, with the Senate’s consent, in March 2022, a month after Russian President Vladimir Putin initiated his Special Military Operation in Ukraine and the Biden regime started filling Ukraine’s financial coffers. As one of 21 undersecretaries to Lloyd Austin, her official duties included advising Austin on matters of sustainment and acquisition—malleable words that can be twisted to mean anything. A veteran of Naval service, she was also executive director for the F-35 Lightning II program. Her position, our source said, was a quintessential example of bureaucratic bloat.

“Just more unnecessary swamp creatures,” he said. “All criminals. We learned about her little gift to Biden and Austin’s pal Volodymyr last week, and Gen. Smith sent Marines to pick her up,” our source said.

The Marines caught Skeen at her Charlottesville, Virginia, home as she and an unnamed male companion were packing suitcases for a holiday trip to the Virgin Islands, where, according to a travel itinerary, she intended to spend Christmas and ring in the new year. Upon seeing the Marines storm her home, Skeen ordered her companion to grab a rifle from a closet and defend her honor, but the simpering coward fell to his knees and begged the Marines not to shoot him.

Skeen told the Marines they were making a colossal mistake and that Lloyd Austin would have their heads on a platter.

“Let me go,” she said. “Let me call Lloyd. I’m going on vacation.”

“To GITMO,” a Marine informed her.

Both Skeen and her companion are now at a processing center in Florida. Our source would not speculate what might happen to Skeen’s friend, saying only that he is being investigated.

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