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Replay of Mon, Dec. 18th 2023

(2:06) 250th Anniversary of Boston Tea Party was this weekend — take a look at the big celebration. Also, the anniversary of the Bill of Rights — what was the argument of the Constitution's Preamble that led to the Bill of Rights?

(31:21) Bill of Rights? Do we even have Parental Rights? This case, in a supposedly conservatives Republican state shows how schools draw kids into the cult of the state
Parental Rights vs Children's Rights — UN Agenda Pushed by Courts CPS takes a child from a Christian family who won't play along with the pronouns. The family has lost at every level in state courts, even though there was abuse. USA never signed on to the UN Convention for Rights of the Child, but courts at every level act as if it were law. But here's how you can ensure this NEVER happens to your child…

(59:00) Listener comments

(1:00:03) Nukey Haley wants to "tweak" laws protecting babies from being ripped apart while alive. At least the merchant of death warmonger is consist — consistently AGAINST life

(1:05:00). BBC has "fun" imagining child sacrifice and cannibalism for "Christmas Special". And DailyMail tries to invent a "secret plot" in SCOTUS (dare we call it a "conspiracy") around Roe overturning. Is it because of the new case coming before SCOTUS. And what is the REAL "plot" that mainstream media (and SCOTUS) never investigated in the intrigue surrounding Dobbs?

(01:17:39) Mom's abortion pill reversal — her own personal ethics trial

(1:25:03) WATCH: Desperate medical tyrants create ad to scare people — that Santa died from Covid. A whole new Pharma version of "Twas Night Before Christmas"

(01:28:26) Muslim gang attacks Santa in Germany — "it's OUR country now"

(1:29:00) Man attacks and destroys Baphomet — in Iowa State Capitol Building
(1:51:55) Is Australian government trying to sneak in Digital ID over the holidays as the Fed Reserve Act was in 1913?

(1:56:15) Christmas music — nostalgia, streams — and why no new Christmas songs?

(2:09:35) Reuters (and Jerome Powell of the Fed Reserve) want you to believe that inflation has been beaten since it wasn't about the Fed's actions at all. Is this why Costco sold $100M in gold?
(2:17:02) "Poisoning the Blood": Is Trump Confessing His Guilt?
Mainstream media says Trump is plagiarizing Hitler. But is it really a veiled confession of what he has already done as he describes himself as "Father of the Vaccine"?

(2:24:12) A "Rumble in the Jungle" analogy
- Who's pulling the "rope-a-dope"?
- Why are we pulling punches and just taking jabs?
- When will we punch harder and what would that look like?

(2:31:48) Now they admit mRNA would NEVER work! But they're saying this to sell an INHALED VACCINE

(2:45:55) Clarence the Angel shows takes Gavin Newsom to Florida to see what California would be like if he'd never been born.

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