Pop Song 527 of 1000 'Man in the box' Alice in Chains 1991

10 months ago

Pop Song 527 of 1000 'Man in the box' Alice in Chains 1991

Watch the MV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAqZb52sgpU

In a 1992 interview with Rolling Stone, Layne Staley explained the origins of the song's lyrics:

I started writing about censorship. Around the same time, we went out for dinner with some Columbia Records people who were vegetarians. They told me how veal was made from calves raised in these small boxes, and that image stuck in my head. So I went home and wrote about government censorship and eating meat as seen through the eyes of a doomed calf.[11]

Jerry Cantrell said of the song:

But what it's basically about is, is how government and media control the public's perception of events in the world or whatever, and they build you into a box by feeding it to you in your home, ya know. And it's just about breaking out of that box and looking outside of that box that has been built for you.

I'm the man in the box
Buried in my shit
Won't you come and save me?
Save me
Feed my eyes
(Can you sew them shut?)
Jesus Christ
(Deny your maker)
He who tries
(Will be wasted)
Oh, feed my eyes
(Now you've sewn them) shut
I'm the dog who gets beat
Shove my nose in shit
Won't you come and save me?
Save me
Feed my eyes
(Can you sew them shut?)

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