JFK: What The Doctors Saw Documentary (Film Review)

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In this highlight from Episode 21 of "Strange Bedfellows" we review the outstanding new documentary film airing now on Paramount Plus, "#JFK: What The Doctors Saw."

60 years after the murder of President Kennedy, seven of the doctors who examined Kennedy's wounds at Parkland Hospital reunite to discuss a day they'll never forget.

Our guest is Bruce de Torres, marketing director for TrineDay Publishing, host of WORLDSTAGE on TNT Radio, and author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free.

David Denton, History Professor at Olney Central College and author of Essays on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy says of Bruce’s book:

“In this excellent work, Bruce de Torres takes us through 200-plus years of American history, revealing the darker, hidden side of it – elites (in and out of our institutions) controlling us with lies and moving us toward #fascism. Incontrovertible facts point toward #conspiracy, especially in the assassinations of #JFK, #MLK, and #RFK, and in 9/11. Mr. de Torres correctly says we must be ‘near those entrusted with power,’ or else corruption and exploitation begin. I highly recommend this detailed, informative work that takes the reader right up through the events unfolding in today’s world!”

You can buy Bruce’s book, “God, School, 9/11, and JFK” at http://brucedetorres.com.

Watch "JFK: What the Doctors Saw" on the Paramount Plus Network.

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