Burning Sage for the Protection of Others: Guided Meditation

1 year ago

Sage Alchemy and Wisdom: Unlocking the mystical powers of purification, protection and energy shielding with guided meditation and sage smudging.
This guided meditation is to help you to use sage burning ritual to protect your loved ones.
Burning sage for protection is a common practice in many cultures. But today, I would like to talk about using sage when you want to protect somebody else who is not physically present.
Before moving forward with this subject, please remember that this protection, like any other interference, is only advisable if it aligns with the Universal laws of personal responsibilities and non-interference or prohibition of the intentional manipulation of free will. Please give serious consideration to these laws before you proceed with helping your loved ones.
I will give you a quick theoretical overview of why this process works so that you understand what mechanisms are involved when you consciously work with these protective energies in practice.
Then, in the second part of the video, I will guide you through this meditative process of creating protection energies with sage burning for your loved one.

In summary, the notion of energetic entanglement during sage burning involves a quantum-inspired understanding of intention, sage smoke, and the creation of a metaphysical connection. This connection, persisting through time and space, is a protective link between the burned space and the individual setting the intention, even when physically distant.

#burnsageleaves #burningsageherb #sageburning #sageforcleansing
#smudgingsage #whitesagecleansing #whitesagesmudge #sageforcleansinghome #sagingahouse #energyprotection
#negativeenergy #negativeenergyremoval

Time Stamps:

00:00:00 Burning sage for protection
00:00:20 The Universal laws of personal responsibilities
00:00:50 Sage burning practice to protect others based on the concept of energetic or quantum entanglement
00:02:48 The summary of energetic entanglement during sage burning
00:03:24 Meditation to protect loved one with sage burning

Voice Of The Silence – is about Spiritual Alchemy Healing

I teach soulful beings how to maintain and protect their energetic integrity and sovereignty. This covers Manifestation Meditation Techniques, Karma and Self-Discovery, and Spiritual and Energy Healing.

I also cover Spiritual and Metaphysical Concepts such as The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Altered States of Consciousness, and Alchemical Transmutation.

I base my videos on Esoteric Knowledge and my own Psychic and Intuitive Abilities. A special area of interest for me is the Human Energy Field and Energy Bodies (Aura, Astral, and Etheric Body and Soul).

I create Meditation, Visualization, Affirmations, Astral Projection, and Mantras videos to help you learn Healing Mind, Body, and Soul using your Intuition and The Sixth Sense as well as Alchemical Transmutation. If you want to Remove Negative Energy I create videos on Energy Clearing, including Breaking Soul Ties and Energy Attachments.

Thank you for visiting.

💖 Find more about my work here: https://www.voiceofthesilence.net/

This content is for educational purposes only, and not intended as professional advice or service.

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