Anyone who pressured or coerced others to get the vaccine is complicit in a crime against humanity

1 year ago

"Any time a biopharmaceutical product remains on the market, despite excess mortality, and mounting and mounting evidence suggesting greater and greater deaths are accumulating with each and every day that the COVID-19 vaccines are left on the market, that does qualify as mass negligent homicide for all of those who are responsible for manufacturing the vaccines, distributing them, administering them, and then promoting them; each and every person that ever encouraged, pressured, coerced, or threatened reprisal for one of these COVID-19 vaccines is complicit in a crime against humanity. And that crime is mass negligent homicide!"

—Dr. Peter McCullough

Description copied from the video posted by "Sunfellow on COVID-19" here:

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Why Ethical Cardiologists Cannot Support COVID-19 Vaccination

Products Cause Heart Damage, Go Against Principles of Good Medical Practice

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

December 15, 2023

I was given this exclusive footage of a major upcoming film where I was able to outline why as an ethical and concerned cardiologist, I cannot support COVID-19 vaccination. The chain of logic is solid. From October, 22, 2020 forward, The US government agencies said the mRNA vaccines would cause myocarditis or heart damage. They have been correct and the problem has greatly increased the burden of heart disease worldwide, particularly among young persons.

Cardiovascular death was elevated in the original Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine randomized trials. No product should be FDA EUA authorized let alone supported by the American College of Cardiology when it is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death as shown by Michels et al.

COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis is leading to autopsy proven fatal cardiac arrests. Based on the analysis of Hulscher et al, the next cardiac arrest that occurs in a young person and the COVID-19 vaccine is not ruled out, the public should consider subclinical myocarditis as the likely cause of the death.

Peter McCullough Resource Page

The Courage To Face COVID-19:

Preventing Hospitalization And Death While Battling The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex (Book)

By John Leake and Dr. Peter McCullough

Peter McCullough videos featured on this Rumble channel:

Peter McCullough on Substack

McCullough Website

McCullough on Twitter


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