He's back he is one more of people who know It IS a laughing matter

1 year ago

Made this guy disappear three times and again in this video

He'll be back with highest comment vote and top of RT

Rumble since 2016 and lacks features available on IRC that goes all the way back to the 90's.

.Such as being able to IGNORE any user in chat or any comment he would post.
OLD tec the "two button" old people were using before they got old.

We don't have because for some unknown reason Rumble does not want us to have.

If You can Ignore me in chat you don't need moderators to decide for you what you can see.
Musk has it right the only thing that should be prohibited is anything ILLEGAL.

Dan says "this is for you"
OK Dan do this for us, the simple things that were done before you got your first computer.

"This is for you" and there is no chat replay?
It's not overlooked.
Rumble has decided that by NOT having replay there would be more views for the LIVE show because if you don't watch it live you don't get to see the chats.
Right Dan?

Ever hear Viva Frei say "I'm exclusive.. on Rumble..? Shrimp frei slick talking piece of shit.
He doesn't mean his videos are exclusively on Rumble. It means he is the Only person with the account "Viva Frei". How many times has he been asked to explain? He won't because the answer is above.

Did you get a notice on Rumble that someone replied to your comment. You click the notification and it takes you to the PAGE that has your comment and someone Replied.
Now what when there are 2000 comments and you may have replied to many..
Now somebody replied to one of your comments.
Good fucking luck finding it.
"I'm doing this for you" Dan says.
Do this for all the Rumble users:
When Rumble notifies you have a reply and we click, take us to the fucking reply not just the page.
Fire your engineers and be sure not to replace them with anyone fired by Musk,

Are Rumble engineers "two button" people (old )? Is that the problem?
Comment added
Fucking stupid Rumble engineers.
This has nothing to do with external attacks.

You sure the attacks are DDOS? dumb shits don't know a bot from a door knob.

Regarding DDOS to these dumb fuck even know what DDOS is?

The Dos part is because the Dos part means just that and you can do it yourself to see how it's done then know that to pull it off you need MILLIONS of computers doing the same thing at the same time and THAT'S FUCKING HARD TO PULL OFF
Because Windows, Linux, and Mac all have much better security and Don't get the virus/bot/script installed by accident.

Example: Windows 7 and before if you were stupid enough to always log in as Administrator you also give ADMIN rights to the operating system AND it was very easy to get shit installed you didn't want because you click something and it get's installed without prompts.
Now you can't and Windows security prevents the program to install. You probably can't install it even if you want. You might find the executable file be it .exe or .vbs or whatever, click Properties, uncheck Block and if windows and if windows recognizes it as a virus.. Fuck you it still won't install..

But if you want to see what it does drop down to DOS and do a simple thing

first PING RUMBLE.COM or PING the IP address of RUBLBE.COM

just one little ping and you can even pick what port to try for.

Now make a LOOP give it a for 1 to 10

PIng rumble.com

and go back to one.

Add a little more monitor system time so your little demand or Rumble servers is happening at the same time as millions more.

That's how it's done simple and near impossible to pull off because the virus doesn't get installed on today's operating system.
The dumb Rumble engineers Should know... They don't know the difference in flaws internal programming I.E. the vote count. and externa attacks.
You saw some of the comments by Fucking stupid called himself an IT engineer saying give them a break.. they are under attack.. the attack has nothing to do with the flaws I talk about.

IF it Is DDOS they are getting hit with more data than server can handle so should be obvious it's DDOS or not BUT these dumb fucks? Are they sure?

Maybe what they are seeing is a time interval when there is a data slow down to the
Rumble servers and that's NOT a fucking DDOS attack.

If it were Me and If I wanted to fuck over Rumble and a lot of people do.. I'd have a job in one of the control centers monitoring SONET eq where Routing is set up and can be changed and I'd fuck Rumble over...
I'd re route Rumble traffic from time to time through eq from Rumble that is already at max an you would get time of data slow to
It's also slowing data to whatever else the same eq handles but Might Not be noticed if it's not another big platform getting hit.
Hit it and put it back and I could do it without having to be approved because I have authority.

There are people who hate Rumble and sit in those Control centers...

IF that's what's happing Rumble will be hard pressed to get it fixed.
Your enamines own the eq

DDOS is hard to pull off AND the engineers should know for sure..
Fucking dumb Rumble engineers???

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