12/20/23 Sweet Land of Bribery "One Year Closer to Eternity" part 3 S3E20p3

1 year ago

12/20/23 Sweet Land of Bribery "One Year Closer to Eternity" part 3
Like it or not, the United States of America is at the center of everything that happens on planet earth, and has been since at least World War II. While I believe the postwar era of American hegemony ended at the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan in 2021, this nation nonetheless continues to enjoy global dominance. For now. Of course, because “it is written” that way. Today on Something’s Happening Here, we explore some goings-on in the Biden administration and family to get a pulse on where America is at, where she’s going, and how she plays into Bible prophecy. I know all criminal allegations are unproved at this time, but I’m going to go ahead and call today’s show “Sweet Land of Bribery” anyway. Welcome, and God bless.

This week is our final new show of 2023: a year in review, looking forward to God’s Kingdom.

Season 3 Episode 20
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