Babylon the Great Harlot=the Big Business Cabal (#2)

9 months ago

Big Tech would be used by the Beast government to censor anyone would oppose the lies & propaganda coming from the government, science, big pharma & the mainstream news media about the C-19 pandemic and the negative effects of the pharmakeia mark on many of the people who have taken it! Big tech is one of the many ways to coverup true information from the public, and so it would be by means of the so called conspiracy theories is how true information about what is being done would come out to the public, but the public has been trained by the governments & media to reject all so called conspiracy theories, and so the people continue in the darkness of ignorance, lies, propaganda & deceptions of the Beast. But something will soon occur that the Beast, Babylon the Great & the Man of Sin will not be able to coverup any longer, it will be visible for all to see!

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