Will Ferrell Says It's Time For Women To Take Over Running The World

1 year ago

Will Ferrell Wants Women to Run the World and Sorry but No … NO No … OH HELL NO -- How I wish entertainers could just focus on entertaining us. I know, crazy, right? I'm not sure why so many Hollywood types decided the world needed to know each and every one of their thoughts on things politically but I wish we could go back to a time when we had no idea how any of them voted. A time when we could watch a movie and not think about how much the actor on the screen hates us because we disagree with them. Like Will Ferrell, for example. Seems Will thinks women should run the world. All I can assume is he doesn't actually really know any women in real life. I am one and trust me, you do NOT want me running the world. Maybe a state or two but the world? No. -- Here's the whole thing: https://twitter.com/i/status/1735678251912028315

Yeah again, no. This is who he nominated for president: kerry washington @kerrywashington: “Today was MAGICAL!!!!!✨ I’m BEYOND honored to have received the Equity in Entertainment award from @THR in a room of extraordinary women. Thank you to #ArianaDeBose for that crazy moving introduction and congrats to @Adele! And to all the brilliant young women in the mentorship program, BRAVA!!!!! I’m so inspired by you. And so happy for you! Continue to SHINE. ❤️🙏🏾” https://twitter.com/kerrywashington/status/1732890016614150342 -- Equity. A word we all started to really hear in 2020 when they began shutting our lives down and taking so much from us. Interesting, right? Luckily, most people on Twitter think Will's idea is as stupid as I do: Of course to you guys, these women could be men. He sounds crazy. There's a reason. -- Why? That's a good question.

Why? What about a woman makes her a better leader than a man? And c'mon, isn't he part of the same political ideal that refuses to admit men can't be women? More tribalist, collectivist nonsense. I don't care who runs the world, so long as they do a good job. Making it about a man or a woman IS the problem (apart from normal human corruption which must always be opposed). And THAT'S the point. I don't care about sex, color, creed, ability, or preference ... all I care about in a leader if their ability to lead. That they are the best person for the job. The rest is just noise that makes simple-minded people (like much of Hollywood) feel better about themselves.

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