Dr Matt Shelton on NZ Excess Harms/Deaths and NZ Whistleblower Data

9 months ago

Dr Matt Shelton of New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (www.nzdsos.com) gave this interview from Parliament in Wellington, NZ, on Sunday 17 December 2023. He speaks about Barry Young, the New Zealand whistleblower, the harms being seen in the New Zealand population since the vaccine rollout in 2021, why the government response to date has been untruthful, and why New Zealanders should have hope.

For more from NZDSOS, see www.nzdsos.com/posts and follow them on social media, eg Twitter @nzdsos; Telegram https://t.me/nzdsos; Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nzdsos.

These doctors have risked and surrendered everything in order to speak truth to the general public. They have counterparts in every single nation who are speaking out against politicised crimes being sold as "health protection" and their movement is growing rapidly as more and more people become aware.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzcLRa3NlU8

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