5 Israelis Were Caught Filming and Dancing as the Twin Towers Fell on 9/11

1 year ago

5 Israelis were caught filming and dancing as the Twin Towers fell (Sivan and Paul Kurzburg, Yaron Shmuek, Oded Ellner, and Omar Marmari)

-The FBI confirmed they were tied to Israel Intel and was led to believe they were on a mission for the Mossad

-The Israelis lied and said they were on a working holiday employed by a “moving company” and just happened to catch the attack on camera

-But classified photos show them smiling, high-fiving, and waving around a lighter as the towers fell. The “dancing Israelis” even admitted they were there to “document” the event. Documents show they arrived 45 minutes before the attacks even began

-By the time the FBI was able to interrogate the “moving company,” which they determined was an Israeli front, the owner had fled to Israel, the moving vans were abandoned, and the 5 Israelis deported back to Israel after being held for 71 days

-When asked about the Israelis’ involvement in the attacks, Bush Admin officials and investigators refused to describe them saying “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified”

-Fox News’ Carl Cameron reported extensively on Israeli Intel prior to the attacks, spying on sensitive U.S. government communications, and Israeli spies detained AFTER 9/11— the series was dropped all the reports all scrubbed from Fox’s database entirely

-Since then, no other mainstream journalist has attempted to look into the extensive Israeli spying effort in America and ties to the deadliest “terror” attack on US soil

Never Forget!

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