1086 Order of Authority

1 year ago

In 1086 Order of Authority, Rev. Nick Catania discusses the rank of authority taught by the Bible. If you have a problem with what the Bible says about the position of women in the church, your problem is not with Paul, your minister, or the church. Your problem is with God. Jesus Christ submitted himself under the authority of God. Jesus did not want to undergo the torture and crucifixion, but he was obedient to his father, God. We recognize rank and authority when it comes to the military, the government, and your structure at work. There is a biblically ordained structure as well. The biblical order of authority is: God, Jesus Christ, husbands, wives, and then children under their parents. The world teaches you to rebel and to go against the Bible and what God's Word teaches. Everything in your life works better when you do things God's way.

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