Airsoft Survival Horror audio game rules to: Part 1 of 5 (NEW-Updated and Clearer version)

1 year ago

It's best to listen with a headset/earbuds or a good surround sound. (Part 1 of 5) NEW, Updated and Clearer Version


You are in the middle of an airsoft battle on Maki Rd and you hear a yell somewhere in the distance. “Grenade Out!” BANG! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. You are disoriented and you feel like you just woke up from a long all night’r, playing that new survivor game you’re into. Wait a minute! You have no weapon anymore. You don’t know why but your intuition kicks in and you suddenly realize that you may be dreaming and you are locked into...”Dreamworld”... Because this is your dream, you are given a set of intuitive instructions that are built into your subconscious. You don’t know why you know these instructions but you just do. They speak as follows:

Rules and Regulations for Players stuck in Dreamworld
• Each player starts without weapons so be on the lookout for balloon marked weapons caches! It may be the only thing to save you when......1, 2, freddy’s comin for you.......did they say Freddy?
• Players can only carry one weapon at a time. (No weapon hoarding), and balloon must stay attached to the weapon at all times.
• If a player wishes to switch a weapon for another from a different cache, he/she may wish to do so. (Remember, you can only carry one and only use one weapon at a time.)
• If a switched weapon is not functional, for example, the weapon was previously used and out of ammo and switched already, then it's time to change areas and try your luck elsewhere within the confines of dreamworld.
• Time is slower in dreamworld and your feet are as heavy as cement. You cannot run but you can walk fast. If you run, you will die by the hands of Freddy and this means that you also die in the real world as well. Look, surviving this time in dreamworld, is facing your fear of Freddy, not running from him.
• Freddy can only be killed by piercing all of the balloons he carries of the soles of the dead. This can be done by ammo piercing with no closer than 20feet in distance of Freddy. Any closer will result in immediate death in the dreamworld, which will result to...well...I think you understand.
• You can choose to fight together and survive or stay on your own and die. Choose wisely and create your destiny.

Story creation by: Corry Hurtubise A.K.A (WINGMAN)
Game creation by: Corry Hurtubise
Game Rules created by: Corry Hurtubise
Voice Narration Acting by: Corry Hurtubise

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