These Arguments are wrong. Fight back and destroy fallacies. How to Win debates.

9 months ago

Who doesn't want to win arguments. But there are valid and invalid arguments. Aristotle created a system of logic and debating that weens out bad arguments. These are principles that still work today. Learn how to argue and discern fallacies (invalid arguments). Apply Critical thinking skills to uncover truth.
I cover what fallacies are through examples I gathered through various movies and other media. Movies like 12 Angry Men, My cousin Vinnie, and others. I mixed entertainment and education together to present to you real life application of talking trash.
Check out my other channel where I review cult movies

I also marked off all the key terms of Fallacy and arguing below. Enjoy.

2:11 Argumentum Ad Populum or Mass Appeal
2:38 False Analogy
3:10 Genetic appeal, Division Fallacy, and poisoning the well
3:53 Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam or the Appeal to Ignorance
4:37 Cherry Picking
5:16 Tu Quoque
6:26 Fallacies of Ambiguity
6:34 Equivocation
7:13 Amphiboly
7:31 Accent Fallacy
8:24 Composition Fallacy
9:14 Mysteries of the Sphinx Documentary scenario set up, it leads to the Appeal to Authority Fallacy (explanation in 11.01)
11:20 The Wild Times Podcast clip explaining Appeal to Authority
13:54 Circular Reasoning
15:25 Appeal to Tradition Fallacy
16:03 Appeal to Novelty Fallacy
16:37 Common Practice Fallacy
16:51 Emotional Appeals
17:11 Appeal to Pity Fallacy
17:30 Appeal to Force Fallacy
17:52 Appeal to Humor or Ridicule Fallacy
18:26 Strawman Fallacy
18:52 Slippery Slope Fallacy
19:30 Ad Hominem
19:42 Abusive Ad Hominem
19:49 Circumstantial Ad Hominem
20:52 Red Herring Fallacy
21:34 Irrelevant Conclusion Fallacy
21:54 Post Hoc Fallacy
22:27 Loaded Question Fallacy
22:55 Sweeping Generalization
23:10 Hasty Generalization
23:29 Affirming the Consequences
25:27 Rhetoric and the art of persuasion
27:02 Socratic Dialog

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