Jack Ashworth: Look forward to the day when Xi and the CCP will be part of the dustbin of history

9 months ago

12/17/2023【#AMFEST2023】Jack Ashworth, representative of the Settlement Project: We look forward to the day when Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party will be part of the dustbin of history. Marquis Van De Mark, representative of the Settlement Project: We just want to tell our brothers and sisters in China that we do stand for you. We hope to see the Chinese people liberated from their oppression and to be able to enjoy the same types of freedoms that we enjoy here in the United States of America.
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #XiJinping
12/17/2023【#凤凰城烽火行动】 “和解项目(The Settlement Project)”的代表杰克·阿什沃斯:我们期待着习近平和中国共产党被扫入历史垃圾堆的那一天! “和解项目(The Settlement Project)”的代表马奎斯·范·德·马克:我们只想告诉中国的兄弟姐妹们,我们支持你们,我们希望看到中国人民从压迫中解放出来,能够享受到我们在美国所享受到的同样的自由。

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