Japan DROPS Covid Jab, goes to IVERMECTIN

9 months ago

Once again our words of yesteryear come true. The legacy fake news Khazar-Ashkenaz Zionist CIA controlled mockingbird media were involved in the cancelling and demonisation of Ivermectin, the US FDA and CDC outlawing it, causing millions to die unnecessarily so as they allowed their tell-a-vision to brainwash them with fear. Soon the people who never listened to us will wake the fuck up and you will see riots like never seen before. We will of course welcome those people into our aching open arms, our mission was simple...to wake up the masses from their deep mind programming. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were the two drugs PROVEN safe and effective but banned by the satanic psychopaths in the FDA and CDC, and eradicating those two "alternatives" is EXACTLY how the deep-state got issued the EUA Emergency Usage Act. The EUA would NEVER have been granted had there been "alternative" medicines. THAT IS WHY THEY TARGETED THOSE TWO DRUGS. Do you miss your loved ones? Are you angry you were lied to? Are you angry that you were prevented from attending their funderal? Are you angry that deep-state satanic Godless, Soulless politicians profited from PPE contracts? Will you believe me when I tell you those scumbags took a fake vaccine, that they never took the jab they made you take?

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