9 months ago

The courts are rigged against the people. The clerks file orders in their own name, without any legal authority or standing to do so. Essentially, when a clerk acts as if having the authority of a judge he/she is attempting to overthrow the judiciary, which is an act of treason, per Fla. Stat. 876.32.

When someone tries to overthrow and take control of a branch of government, they are levying war against the government.

In this video, Florida's First District Court of the Clerk, Kristina Samuels, has not only lied to the judges to get them to sign a 'vexatious litigant' order, she has also hidden the documents which her fraudulent order was based on. It was Samuels, not a judge, who wrote the order to show cause. The question is: Was it also Samuels who signed for the three judges to ensure Scott could no longer file? You see, Scott's other appeals had been sent back down to the lower court. So, to block this, Samuels, who has no legal authority to write orders, wrote an order claiming Scott needed to show cause why she should still be allowed to file. Samuels falsely claimed that Scott's filings were frivolous and repetitious. Scott went to view the cited cases online, but all 7 of the cases are missing. Further, Samuels knowingly sent the fraudulent filing to an old email address for Scott, knowing that Scott had been blocked out of the case and would not know the Order to Show Cause had been filed, so that Scott would not be able to respond to Samuel's false allegations against her.

This is how desperate and corrupt the Florida clerks are to keep election fraud and corruption cases from being heard.

Who is paying the clerks off? Their finances need to be examined.

This is why we need the military in charge. Again, it is an act of treason to overthrow a branch of government. The judiciary is a branch of government. When a clerk does the actions of a judge to affect the outcome of a case, she/he is usurping and attempting to control that branch of government, which is an attempt to overthrow it.

Traitors should hang from the public square as a reminder to others that treason will not be tolerated.

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