France: Les Brigandes — La Loge des Jacobins - The Jacobin Lodge - Franc-Maçonnerie - Freemasonry

1 year ago

France: Les Brigandes — La Loge des Jacobins - The Jacobin Lodge - Franc-Maçonnerie - Freemasonry

May 18, 2023

Yet more gold from Les Brigandes. A Jacobin was a member of the Jacobin Club, the infamous Freemasonic revolutionary movement at the dark core of the rabidly anti-Catholic, and thus anti-God, French Revolution (1789–1799), which helped spawn Bolshevism (note here the clever Russifying of the infamous "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" motto of the FR), Vatican II, the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and, in short, so much of the rot we're immersed in today. The Jacobins were assisted by Judas priests, especially traitorous Jesuits, symbolized by the black rat here (notice his Jesuit IHS sign). The Jacobin legacy lives on today in demonic figures like the Jesuit Antipope Francis, Klaus Schwab, Joe Biden, and indeed in the whole cabal of today's perverted and demonic pseudo-elites masquerading as angels of light.

Les Brigandes--who peaked in late 2015 and were then gradually canceled--were a group of French "traditional" (that is, simply actual) Catholics with an intact, healthy sense of self-preservation and were thus not infected by the pathological altruism flowing from today’s pandemic of suicidally xenophilic white ethnomasochism. To their infinite credit, those of the diabolical establishment condemned them as “far-right”...thus proving Les Brigandes were simply sane.

Jeremiah Alphonsus Channel

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