Business is a Game of MARGINS, Not Volume! - The predictive power of gross profit margin!

1 year ago

This video demonstrates the importance of gross profit margin and what it means for a business.

Passively invest in the buying of businesses:

Gross Profit Margin is calculated by taking the Price (of a product or service) minus the COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) this leaves the Gross margin. Taking the gross profit margin as a percentage of sales can be used to predict the long-term success of a business.

About This Channel: The purpose of this Channel is to share and discuss advanced business, trading, and investing-related concepts and ideas. Cody Koch has 25 years of experience in investing, trading, and business ownership. This includes extensive experience trading publicly traded stocks for his private portfolio, for his investors, and as an equity trader for a hedge fund. He successfully founded a business in 2013 and bought a second business in 2021.


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