Backyard Experiment To Prove That Palm Trees and Pine Tree Burn & Are Not Fire-Proof! Common Sense

9 months ago

Common sense tells us that pine trees and palm trees ignite and burn fast.
Direct energy weapons have been attacking our lands and people since the 911 event and possibly before. They are being passed off as wild fires and normalized.
Pine trees are the #1 most flammable tree that burns in a forest fire. The recent fires leave the trees standing with needles, radiated dry and darkened and dead but they do Not catch fire and burn up.Houses and cars incinerated and melted but the trees remain- needles and all.

Palm Trees the same story, notice in Lahainna they stood unburnt next to buildings incinerated and cars incinerated.

This backyard experiment is meant to restore common sense. Please care and become involved.

thank you.

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