Full Redemption II (4) : The LORD My Shepherd

9 months ago

"The LORD is My Shepherd, I shall not want." What does that mean and how do we come to the place where we want for nothing? A shepherd is a keeper of sheep. The Bible tells us The LORD is Our Shepherd and WE are the sheep of His pasture. As Our Shepherd, He leads and feeds and protects and heals us – if we line up with Him in our faith and obedience. If we are going to be good sheep we must follow our Good Shepherd. Which will lead us to the Provision and keep us in His Protection.

Pastor Nicholas

Word Resources –

Ministry home site : https://www.muchgrace.church/
Prophet's book : https://www.tribulation-saints.com/
Pastor's book : https://simplicityofchrist314608717.wordpress.com/

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