2023 Republican debate- when host asks vaccine injury question: live broadcast freezes.

1 year ago

4th republican debate- 2023 (sponsored by vaccine companies?)
When a question was asked about vaccines- there was an immediate freeze and "we'll be right back" screen. Live feed came back after the question had been answered and subject cleared.
Vivek's answer: "Free speech in this country is most important in these alleged times of emergency".
"אחד השיעורים החשובים ביותר שלמדנו ממגיפת הקורונה ההיא, זה שחופש הדיבור במדינה הזאת הוא חשוב ביותר [דווקא] בתקופות המוכרזות (כביכול) כחירום"

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