Rapture Dream: Crystal Love4Jesus Caught UP 726 So unexpected!! God literally TOOK OVER this video!

1 year ago

Crystal Love4Jesus has been doing a video about the rapture every day for a year, and God bless her! When I clicked on this video with Linz's rapture dream, it had 666 thumbs up for just a minute, so I knew that it was going to be important to watch. I started recording it, and it was not only a wonderful rapture dream, but a fantastic presentation of the gospel. The Crystal started going with preaching the truth about sin, holy living and running from wolves in sheep's clothing. Right up my alley. I added in the Scriptures that she was reading so you can read along. The rapture is sooner than most everyone thinks, and we have work to do daily as we stay on the very narrow road that leads to heaven. We can't be tickling people's ears and saying "peace, peace, when there is no peace." I hope that you will watch until the end, and it blesses you or if you have questions, then leave a respectful comment. I will not be entertaining any post-Trib scoffers/mockers.

Linz's rapture dream link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dxAOu2fJh4&t=0s

From @CrystalLove4Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANl-7Dw8bCw

Be Another Voice for JESUS preaching in the wilderness! shine your light for Christ!

The BLESSED HOPE of our LORD is our joy and excitement! WE LOVE JESUS AND LONG TO BE WHERE HE IS! We must stay in relationship with Jesus! These videos are to encourage the body of Christ that Jesus told us "BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY AND MY REWARD IS WITH ME" We will not know the exact date of his return! BUT we WILL KNOW THE SEASON AND THE TIMES by all the things happening around us!

Watching for our Lord doesn't mean we become complacent and stop working for his kingdom. BLESSED IS THE MAN WHOM THE LORD WHEN HE COMES SHALL FIND WORKING!
We are to be working for his kingdom! keeping ourselves ready to leave and not be ashamed at his coming!

Confess your sins before Christ always! and know that he is just and loving to forgive you! lean not on your own strength to walk as he walked, we are only able to do this by asking for HIS HELP and HIS STRENGTH! Walk in GODS WAYS, follow Jesus and his ways. Turn to GOD and away from your desires of sin! when we fall short we confess our sins, get back up and keep moving forward!

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