A Vision of GENUINE Reconciliation: Part 3 - Non Negotiable Terms

1 year ago

Australia has two historic peoples, indigenous and Anglo-Celtic, both worthy of recognition, whether in the Constitution, in legislation, or in educational curricula. If the Constitution is to be amended to afford recognition to Australia’s founding peoples, it is appropriate that both indigenous and Anglo Australians be recognised. At present indigenous peoples are shown sympathy, while Anglo history and behaviour are often vilified.

If Australia’s origins are to be recognised in the Constitution, the people who largely created the nation and the Commonwealth cannot be omitted. If, as prime minister Anthony Albanese put it, “the fullness of our history” is to be recognised, Anglos cannot be left out. Failing that basic standard of fairness and truth-telling, recognising indigenous people alone will divide our society. Recognition must be conferred on both or on neither. To achieve that reconciliation, terms must be discussed, both non-negotiable and negotiable.

Written and spoken by Dr. Frank Salter

Also featured in greater depth here: https://quadrant.org.au/product/the-voice-referendum-a-statement-on-behalf-of-the-british-australian-community/

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