Climate Lens

9 months ago


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Climate Lens (Narration) 🎙
First intro: ☄
I feel like I’m in the film DON’T LOOK UP [1]. Seeing very clearly the urgent warnings from scientists, as I watch people just carry on as normal. I’m walking among zombies that can’t hear my screams no matter what I say or do. This film is another attempt to show you what I see. To show you what I know and cannot unknow. On the 24th of May 2023, I recorded all my ‘Climate Aware’ thoughts that day, thoughts I just wouldn’t have had if I didn’t know what I know. I believe this to be a typical day for a climate aware person willing to face the FULL truth…

Second intro:
Nothing seems to cut through, not the science, the media, a friend, colleague or a family member telling you about the ‘Climate and Nature Emergency’, but when it does, when it does cut through and you finally face the full truth (as you connect with it emotionally), you may see things differently…

⏰ 6:00am - WAKE UP 📢
I wake up and for a minute or two, I forget about the situation we face. I roll over to see our 4 year old has joined us in the night. I smile as I look at him sleeping, then it hits me like a sledgehammer, the threat is real. I must do all I can to protect my children from harm, immediate harm like jumping in front of a car to save their life or from harm yet to come by resisting our governments genocidal plans to open up new fossil fuels in the uk [2].

⏰ 6:30am - WATER SHORTAGE 💧
I Jump in the shower, I feel too guilty to have a baths anymore. By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population may be facing water shortages [3]. When the water runs dry & people can't get enough to drink, wash, or feed crops it’s inevitable it will be rationed in the future.

⏰ 7:00am - SUPER RICH 🏰
Get to work and hear the news story that Jeff Bazos is getting married, his fiancé is spotted on their (super) yacht wearing the ring as the radio presenter casually says ‘how the other half live’ when in actual fact it’s only the super rich that live like this - the top 1% of the world’s population are responsible for more than twice as much carbon emissions as the poorest half of humanity [4].

⏰ 7:30am - BEAUTIFUL WORLD 🌎
Every morning my windows login screen tries to remind me of how amazingly wonderful and breath-taking our planet is, whilst also showing me what we are destroying, what we are about to lose forever..

⏰ 8:00am - SWITCH ENGINE OFF 🚚
A lorry’s been outside for half an hour with its engine on. I want to approach the driver but haven’t got the courage to ask them to switch it off. How do you even do that without getting abuse.

A colleague is discussing upgrading their phone & I reflect on our capitalist culture, always upgrading, always buy new.. more more more with no concept of our planet's dwindling resources and not to mention how things are made, where they are made and who suffers in the process.

⏰ 9:00am - FOOD PRICES 🥕
There’s an article on social media about our food prices this April reaching a 45 year high - war and extreme weather events are responsible and both due to increase as a result of our warming planet [5].

⏰ 9:30am - CHILDREN’S FUTURE 👶🔥🌡🌊
I’m crying while I walk past a nursery as I hear children playing outside. They are so innocent
and have no idea what a challenging, difficult and possibly short life lies ahead for them. Shame on us for turning our backs on innocent toddlers and babies alive today. I struggle just seeing babies in a pram these days.

⏰ 10:00am - SAVE RESOURCES 🌴🌴
I always try to print double sided where possible as I pat myself on the back for saving the amazon… maybe a better use of my time would be to take direct action against companies directly responsible for deforestation [6].

⏰ 10:30am - BAN FOSSIL FUEL ADVERTS ⛽🏴‍☠️
We listen to POP Master with Ken Bruce on Greatest Hits Radio, and are constantly reminded of their sponsorship deal with BP as their BP Rewards jingle plays over and over throughout the day [7]. It's disgusting and it reminds me of when all tobacco adverts were banned due to their damaging impacts [8].

⏰ 11:00am - THIS IS FINE 🌡🔥🌡🔥
There’s a story shared on Facebook titled ‘Global heating will push billions outside ‘human climate niche’, and the general public's response during a climate Emergency? [9]

⏰ 11:30am - NOT THE SAME BOAT ⛵ 🚢
Preparing food at lunch time and being conscious of food waste as I think about all those suffering with lack of food around the world including in this country. I start thinking about the inequality balance and how we are not all in the same boat, I then look down at my food choice.. A cheese sandwich mmm… but further dread and sadness seeps in as I think about how we claim we’re a nation of animal lovers whilst still eating meat and dairy. The phrase ‘We are not in the same boat’ applies here… the cognitive dissonance rife.

⏰ 12:00pm - FOSSIL GAS ⛽🏴‍☠️
Our forklift trucks run on gas, the first forklift trucks I ever saw were electric ones! It got me thinking about gas as a fuel and I remembered our plan to replace our gas hob at home with a fully electric one..’to reduce our emissions obvs’. It all costs money initially to do the right thing! For instance, We can’t afford an electric car, solar panels or to properly insulate our home.. Not yet anyway. Even catching the train to work every day works out slightly more expensive than driving our family petrol car, Well I did get rid of my car a few years ago! We are all trapped in this system of limited & forced choices. I reduce my emissions and cost, by cycling to work most days on a very busy and dangerous road. The lengths we go to to make the right choices can often be more expensive and far less convenient. We need cheaper and more convenient public transport asap!

⏰ 12:30pm - RECYCLING ♻
Do you ever feel like the only eco zealot in the village?

Casually reading ‘The Future of the Human Climate Niche’ [10] on my break as if I was reading a fantasy novel…except this is a peer reviewed paper written by scientists, with a very real warning about the current path we’re on. It states that by 2070 3.5 billion people will be exposed to a mean annual temperature of 29.0 °C, a situation currently only found in 0.8% of the global land surface, mostly concentrated in the Sahara where conditions are unliveable for humankind., but by 2070 it’s projected to cover 19% of our global land surface. Our sons will only be 52 and 55 if they reach that age at all. The current mean annual temperature for thriving populations is between 11-15c. This rise will force mass migration, starvation, conflict and death. And yet we hear politicians talking about the continued use of fossil fuels in rich nations [11] - IN RICH NATIONS throughout the rest of this century.

⏰ 1:30pm - DOOM SCROLLING 🙍‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Knowing my friends and family will be concerned at my exposure to climate related news and what’s termed as doom scrolling as they tell me to take a break and stop thinking about it. I can’t help it as I view life through a Climate Lens now… it’s tarnished forever and there’s no going back, a bit like the climate really, we really are on the edge and at the point of no return.

⏰ 2:00pm - MEDIA FAILING US ✍ 🎥
notice someone highlighting the fact that the Metro newspaper has only given up a tiny thumb nail sized section a number of pages back in its hard copy, to report on the story that ‘The world will warm above 1.5c between now and 2027’ [12]. 1.5 being the so-called ‘safe’ limit set by the Paris agreement [13] (This actually happened at the beginning of June [14] ) When we say the media isn’t doing its job to alert the British public to the dangers coming our way, this is what we mean. The mainstream media in the UK is owned by right wing billionaires who’s vested interests lie in the fossil fuel industry and continued business as usual at all costs, even if those costs are life itself [15].

⏰ 2:30pm - 🦺 JUST STOP OIL 🦺
Seen lots of Just Stop Oil footage today from our local northern teams slow marching down in London. I just wish there was a better way, a better way to protest, a better way to convince our government to keep us safe, or better still that we didn’t have to do this because our government was already protecting us by stopping all new oil gas and coal exploration. This includes stopping fossil fuel subsidies to the tune of 12bn a year [16] - that’s our taxes paying for that..that could be spent on clean green energy solutions. I don’t know about you but I'm a bit uncomfortable funding the future death of my own children, which is why I stand with and support Just Stop Oil. Their demand - no NEW fossil fuels… that’s not come from just stop oil, this comes from the consensus on the science [17], the International Energy Agency [18], the United Nations [19], the World Health Organisation [20], the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [21], the government's own committee on climate [22] and all UK political parties apart from the Tories [23]. Remember this is not a ‘Passion’ of mine. This is not a ‘cause’ this is the fight for all life on earth, if you’re not fighting then you’re letting it happen on your watch.

⏰ 3:00pm - NATURE WALK 🍀🌲
At break time in the afternoon I usually go for a nature walk near work. I enjoy listening to the birds singing and spotting squirrels as I brush past trees covered in ivy whilst taking deep breaths as I feel instantly calmer. Today however, I'm thinking about last year's 40c heat wave [24] as I consider cycling home later. I recall that it was simply too hot to cycle or catch a train as the tracks were melting, along with airport runways too, as planes struggled to land. I remember having to catch a taxi home to avoid being stranded at work. But I survived, while a large number of people in the UK lost their lives due to heat related deaths over that 2 day period [25].

⏰ 3:30pm - LIGHTS 🎇
I see someone leave the light on as they walk out of the toilets - On one hand I feel compelled to tell everyone how important it is to turn off lights and appliances when they’re not needed but on the other hand this is a bit like campaigning against plastic straws whilst ignoring the fact that 50% of all ocean plastic is made up of discarded fishing nets from the fishing industry [26]. It’s good, do it but also don’t ignore the bigger picture…. The huge industries destroying everything potentially forever as we reach tipping points across many converging crises …

⏰ 4:00pm - YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE NEXT 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
I walk onto the factory floor to hear the song ‘If you tolerate this your children will be next’ by the Manic Street Preachers. It makes me think of the fascist anti protest and human rights laws being passed by our draconian government. The new public order act [27] for example bans all effective protests that may cause even mild disruption with arrests more likely. You could face unlimited fines and up to 10 years in prison for ‘serious annoyance and inconvenience’. That’s longer than some rape or grievous bodily harm cases. This is how much the government wants to squash decent and keep you in check. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said the legislation was "deeply troubling" and that it imposed restrictions on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly that are "neither necessary nor proportionate" [28].

I receive an email at work inviting me to represent my company at another ‘Climate Action Now’ Business Forum. A local initiative run by my council inviting local businesses to come together to share best practices and help them move towards achieving net zero [29]. I spoke a few months ago as I highlighted the seriousness of our time by lying on the floor in silence for 1 minute before I began my presentation. I outlined my roles in society - I stand here today as a ‘Climate Activist’, a ‘Sustainability Champion’ for my company and as a ‘Father’...

⏰ 5:00pm - EATING MUD 🍽
A parent’s talking about eating snails as she is traveling to France next week on holiday, and I think: As food runs out we'll be forced to find anything we can to eat to survive and I guess this means snails, insects and wild plants. I’ve heard already that people suffering food shortages due to climate impacts are even eating mud to desperately stay alive [30]- This mother talks of losing one of her children after 3 days without food in Madagascar. Five years of the worst drought in decades and deforestation have transformed southern Madagascar into dust [31]. Just look at the imbalance here - one mum talks of jetting off to Paris for a lavish holiday and another mum talks of losing a child after failing to find food for her family… (Are you really ok with this?).

⏰ 5:30pm - CHILL OUT 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️
Meditation time. I clear my mind allowing me to focus on my family and my two boys, who’s picking them up from school, what’s for tea, is it bath night and how to stay calm under parenting pressures whilst wondering if we will have time to unwind and relax, maybe watch a film tonight or do I have a zoom to attend!!!

⏰ 6:00pm - MEDICINE 💊🩺
I’m Picking up my son's prescription from the chemists, but thinking it’s inevitable that when supplies begin to run low, from the medical manufacturers as they collapse [32], that this quiet friendly pharmacy will be smashed up and looted, and all chances of me obtaining vital medication will be gone putting our families lives at risk yet again.

⏰ 6:30pm - NATURES BEAUTY 🌈
After picking our 4 year old up as we got out of the car we walk past a flowering bush and we stop and listen to the world… the tweets of the birds, the wind in the trees and the bees buzzing around the bush collecting nectar. We sit down and watch the bees at work (in my head I think of all the activist bees out on the roads today with just stop oil). I explain how important bees are and how all nature is precious and interconnected [33]. We pick a huge dandelion from the garden to show mummy. He is mesmerised by nature as am, it’s just utterly incredible.

⏰ 7:00pm - INTIMIDATION 🤬
The following section has been amended due to my fear of legal repercussions in naming the companies involved, and revealing the documents I have received from them. All have now been redacted. I’m reading email threats from a legal firm on behalf of one of the biggest fossil fuel companies in the world, as they threaten me and stipulate I must sign what’s known as an undertaking. This is a promise I will not disrupt their business again. Breaking this forced agreement could land me in prison or I could face costly fines, but by not signing it, I am told they could come after my assets and family home to recover court costs for setting up the injunction anyway. One of the most powerful companies in the world, squashing me like a bug. The UK government is actively encouraging private firms and now sports events organisers to take out private injunctions against anyone trying to sound the alarm by disrupting business as usual. .

⏰ 7:30pm - SINCE I WOKE UP 😲
It’s been just over 4 years since I went to my first Extinction Rebellion talk [34].[ This talk changed everything for me. After a series of anti plastic campaigns and raising awareness about single use items and waste free lifestyle choices I turned my attention to the biggest issue there has ever been. Climate Change. It moved from an issue in the background of my mind to something that will affect every single aspect of my life and everyone else’s on earth. Here’s what I’ve changed in my life since then in no particular order:
Sold my car / Bought e bike / Wooden toothbrush / Plastic free soap bars / Reusable drinking bottles / Plastic free bags / Became vegan* / Stopped flying / Stopped using standby on my fucking big television / Chose fixed-interest mortgage repayments from a company not investing in fossil fuels / Wrote to MP’s / Joined XR / Joined Just Stop Oil / Marched / Protested / Locked on / Glued on / Been arrested / Set up meetings / Told stories / Been to ten zillion zoom calls / Stopped baths / Growing my own food / Ditched plastic straws / Been to court / Signed petitions / Lobbied councils / Campaigned for green spaces to be saved from development / Dressed as a bee / Dressed as Captain Rebellion / Been to London / Trained in carbon literacy [35] / Research the science every day / Leafleted door to door / Designed climate awareness banners & posters / Held stalls / Slow marched / Cried / Comforted / Inspired and recruited / Switched banks [36] / Switched energy supplier / Switched pensions / Switched gas hob to electric / Attempted to buy an electric car / Used public transport / Shared news, science the urgent warnings across social media / Fly postered / Shouted through a megaphone at the top of my voice.

*Became vegan for around a year and a half - Now vegetarian looking to go fully plant based soon.

Curry sauce - I decided to learn how to make my own curry sauce to save money but also save on plastic tray waste. Every order from our local Chinese takeaway comes in plastic trays.. I’m sure they used to use foil trays that were fully recyclable. Anyway.. I nailed it… yum!

⏰ 8:30pm - DOWN THE DRAIN 🚽
I notice our old red bucket outside has lost all its colour, but where did it go? The chemical colouring must have washed off into our garden over time. I’m thinking about this as I wash jars of old pesto out, watching the remaining contents go down the drain and eventually into the sea and our atmosphere. Same can be said for micro plastics from washing machines all over the world. We are poisoning our home with every action we take and it seems there’s only a handful of us that actually care to even think about this, let alone do something about it.

⏰ 9:00pm - GARY LINEKER ⚽
Gary Lineker speaks out about climate protests

⏰ 9:30pm - THE SWARM 🐳
Tonight we’re watching ‘The Swarm’ a sci-fi series about humans disrupting the ocean and nature fighting back. There are many parallels with reality and the damage we are doing to the ocean and all life it holds. If the ocean dies, we die.


⏰ 10:00pm - ECO HORDER 🛒
I bought this years ago, used it once and now it just sits there. The amount of items we own and don’t need is staggering but finding the time to sell or get rid of it all responsibly is a massive challenge. We all have so much pointless stuff we think we might use in the future [wires drawer] and yet don’t have time to sell it all and can’t be forced to just bin things knowing they could have been reused by someone else. It means we’re trapped in a stalemate situation and we’ve become hoarders by default.

Sam smith's concert is cancelled as lights go out and people lose their shit, this is the big news of the day apparently. People hate their lives being disrupted don’t they. When the penny drops that absolutely everything in their lives is set to be disrupted they’re really going to lose it… hopefully with the people causing this crisis. Point your anger and frustration, your effort and determination for a future at them, not the people trying to protect our world by sounding the alarm.

Seeing Peter Kalmus, a NASA scientist share a Facebook post from a year ago. Where he took non violent direct action and stepped into civil resistance against the system that is killing us [37]. Scientists all over the world are scared and are screaming from the rooftops to warn us we must change course. Basically if we don’t we are facing EXTINCTION along with millions of other species we share this amazing planet with….Please wake up!

⏰ 11:30am - A22 NETWORK 🧯
Let me introduce the A22 Network [38], 12 civil resistance groups from around the world. Formed in April 2022, they took their first actions, including Just Stop Oil blocking oil terminals in the UK of which I was a part of [39]. Today the Italian group Ultima Generazione stage a protest against their government's subsidies for fossil fuel exploration [40]. Also on this day, police raid properties of the German group, Last Generation, in the latest crackdowns on peaceful protest in their country [41].

⏰ 12:00am - TINA TURNER DIES 💀
Tina Turner died today. Makes me think about death, a fear of mine and it reminds me of lost loved ones and the history and fights that their generation fought to give me the life I have today. It reinforces that I must do the same for my children. I think about my fear of dying but now I fear for my children and family, it dawns on me that climate breakdown is very likely to be linked to the cause of their future deaths

⏰ 12:30am - GLYPHOSATE POISON 🧪💀
I receive a reply from the council concerning the spraying of herbicide in our local area. Banned in some countries, products like RoundUp that contain glyphosate, a known chemical linked to cancer, are being widely used by councils up and down the country. The response to my complaint about the dangers posed to humans, animals and insects and our biodiversity including killing our crucial pollinators, seems to have been sidestepped, as they continue to spray pavements, parks and children's play areas indiscriminately with the poison. The UK deems this to be safe, However studies have shown childhood exposure to the world’s most widely used weed killer, glyphosate, is linked to liver inflammation and metabolic disorder in early adulthood, which could lead to liver cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease later in life [42]. My overwhelming concern is for the protection of nature of which we are a part of…and the sooner we realise that the better! We are nature.

The next day the British media are going to lose it over a Just Stop Oil protest at the Chelsea flower show, where some orange powder paint was thrown, this action hurt no one. It caused no distress or lasting damage or disrupted anyone's journey to work…and yet the media still vilified JSO and stirred up hatred whilst obsessing over the ‘wrong’ type of tactics, rather than focusing on why they are sounding the alarm… What's the point in admiring a beautiful garden if we’re going to turn our backs to the destruction we are allowing to happen to all our plants, trees and species we share our world with.

I’m already a bit security conscious, I usually do a last minute sweep of the doors and windows before bed, but tonight as I walk towards our patio doors in the dark, my mind jumps forwards 5, 10, 15 years as I picture desperate people outside wanting to get in, wanting what we have, maybe it’s our water, or food or medicine. It could also be people trying to find shelter and a safe place as they flee violence and conflict themselves, but how would I know? I can’t see a safe future. As we rip apart our life support system, we shred any hope of a peaceful life. Tonight I stand with a key in my hand… tomorrow it could well be a weapon to protect my family.

⏰ 2:00am - TIME TO ACT ⚡
So there you have it, 1 day of thoughts from someone fully aware of the risks and challenge ahead. We are seeing people stepping up, acknowledging what’s unfolding around them, and simultaneously seeing others in complete denial of the situation. So what about you? We’re individuals with completely different circumstances but all on the climate spectrum somewhere. It would be unrealistic for everyone to get arrested by taking part in direct action but equally, to take no action at all at this time is utterly staggering. To look the other way as we miss this opportunity to do something is mind blowing.

It’s time to step up into action, whatever that looks like for you, before it’s too late….


Twenty-Four Drones Is Enough · Nicholas Britell - Don't Look Up (Soundtrack from the Netflix Film)

Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)

The Chemical Brothers - Out Of Control

The Prodigy - Mindfields

Spybreak! · Propellerheads

Daft Punk - Prime (2012 Unfinished)

28 Days Later Theme - In the House, In the Heartbeat (Intro)

Interstellar Main Theme - Extra Extended - Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer


Climate Lens Film - Is a not for profit production with the sole aim of inspiring action
on the Climate and Ecological Emergency in a bid to save all life on Earth.

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