9 months ago

Welcome to this video on Laodicea. In order to fully grasp the message to Laodicea, it is important to delve into both its cultural history in the Graeco-Roman context and its theological roots in the Hebraic-Semitic tradition. This video will provide an overview of the historical background of Laodicea, a city known for its prosperity in the textile industry and its renowned medical school.

The name of the city, Laodicea, is derived from Laodice, the wife of Seleucid Antiochus II, who founded the city in the third century BC. However, it is worth noting that Antiochus II divorced his wife in 253 BC. Situated in the fertile Lycus River valley, Laodicea is located approximately 53 miles southeast of Philadelphia, six miles south of Hierapolis, and ten miles west of Colossae in the southwest region of ancient Phrygia. During the Roman period, it fell within the boundaries of Caria.

Through examining the history, location, and discoveries of Laodicea, we can gain a deeper understanding of the negative connotation behind being lukewarm as we can gain valuable insights into the message that was delivered to this city. By analyzing the city's water system identified by archaeology we will challenge the current views of many commentators who see the reference to being hot and cold is related to the Hierapolis hot springs. Wanting hot Christians is one thing but why are cold Christians preferred over lukewarm. Roman practices may provide the answers. Join us as we delve further into the cultural and theological context of Laodicea to uncover the significance of this city and its message.

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