Pascal Najadi - My talk with Canadian Journalist Mr. Will Dove, IronWill

1 year ago

My talk with Canadian Journalist Mr. Will Dove, Producer and Founder of the famous Iron Will Report - December 14th 2023.

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Please Check & Verify yourself the Truth:

"We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil, Always"



The USSF (US Space Force) is the current Control & Communication of all United States Military Branches.

The ongoing Operation STORM / Winter War 2023/24 marks the Total Obliteration of the globalist Deep State and all rogue government elements, traitors, without leaving a single molecule of their dust nor any trace of their history.

This is our Hard Reset in Defence and Protection of our divine Humanity. Everything is about to change and everything is for the We The People around the entire world, also in Switzerland.

United States Military Justice is in Force.

Donald J. Trump is the Wartime President and Commander in Chief of the United States. Joe Biden has been executed for High Treason and buried on January 20th 2021 in Arlington with 3 Army Service Cannon salutes as per the Protocol for a Funeral.

Evidence of Travesty of Swiss Federal and Cantonal caught in our Stratagems in Switzerland. (Languages in E/G/F):

Read here the original Swiss Court Rulings protecting, Federal and State Prosecutors, Alain Berset and the rogue Swiss Doctors and their Covid PsyOp Injection Crimes via Pfizer and Moderna mRNA BioWeapon injections that have terminally poisoned, injured me and my mother, Heidi Najadi in 2021 under the perverted heinous guise of the 2020-2023 Covid19 PsyOp, the Democide:

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