The CCP’s Economy is on the Blink of Collapsing

1 year ago

12/15/2023 Nicole on GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW: The CCP's real estate crisis, the local government debt and the youth unemployment have reached unprecedented high levels. And the rating agency Moody just lowered the CCP’s outlook for government management of risk from stable to negative, which is a big signal that the CCP’s economy is going to collapse. The more the US exposes the economy to the CCP, the more destruction it is going to invite to American people.
12/15/2023 妮可做客GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW:中共国的房地产危机、地方政府债务危机和青年失业率面临前所未有的严峻挑战。评级机构穆迪刚刚将中共国政府信用评级展望从“稳定”下调至“负面”,这意味着中共的经济即将崩溃。美国与中共国经济联系越紧密,就越会招致对美国人民的破坏。

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