Collins: We Have a Lot of Problems in America, All Because of the CCP

1 year ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/16/2023 President and Founder of Texas Youth Summit Christian Collins (X: @CHRISTIANCOLLINSTX): We have a lot of problems in America and it's because of the Chinese Communist Party. What the CCP is doing across the world is to advance its agenda and to take down America economically and militarily. I think your organization (NFSC) is needed and important. And you've got to continue this fight and spread the message.
#TakeDownCCP #NFSC
【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】 12/16/2023 德克萨斯州青年峰会的总裁和创始人克里斯蒂安·柯林斯(X: @CHRISTIANCOLLINSTX):我们美国有许多问题,这都是因为中共。中共在全球各地的所作所为旨在推进他们的议程以及在经济和军事上摧毁美国。我认为你们的组织(新中国联邦)是必需的,而且十分重要。你们必须继续这场战斗和传播真相。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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