…are lies being exposed?

1 year ago

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…are lies being exposed?
11.24 copper cups
12.59 copper plumbing
13.58 copper use
15.12 Amazing remake of Nikola Tesla’s Coil, demonstrating how wireless energy transmission works, while using certain frequencies to create sound.
16.12 flying in a drone
17.26 grounding Barbara
17.50 grounding beds
19.29 grounding what happens
20.19 frequency
20.49 free energy batteries
21.53 melted buildings
23.25 melted world
24.26 terro threat not on the news
26.13 israel. Abby_Martin_Exposes_Zionism_&_Israel_on_Joe_Rogan_Podcast
30.10 israel. ai bombing the buildings
32.19 israel. arested for speaking aginst Israel
34.44 israel. by design
36.13 israel. censorship
37.44 israel. child body parts
38.05 israel. executions
39.14 israel. genocide again
40.13 israel. idf running out of tanks
42.33 israel. kia traitor
43.41 israel. netanyao polish Russian
44.43 israel. palistine
46.12 israel. traitors in the un
46.51 israel. uk rally
48.30 israel. us crimes
50.00 israel. zara

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…are lies being exposed?

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