GOOGLE : US PATENT 6470214 (Mental Manipulation)

1 year ago

Directed energy weapon on targeted individuals. (Links below)

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US Patent 64702
Directed Energy Weapon / Targeted Individual Patents µ
Patent No. freq Wave type Symptom(s) Filing Date Publication Date Invented By Original Assignee Descripton
US 6091994 A 1/2hz and 2.4Hz MK 31-Aug-98 18-Jul-00 Hendricus G. Loos Loos, Hendricus G. Pulsative Manipulation of Central Nervous Systems
US 6488617 B1 1-8hz M MK 13-Oct-00 3-Dec-02 Bruce F. Katz Universal Hedonics Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brain State via magnetic waves
US 7629918 B2 "RFDE" and radar location and disruption ("multi-functional") 15-Dec-05 8-Dec-09 Kenneth W. Brown, David J. Canich, Russell F. Berg Raytheon CompanyWeapon with integrated targeting system to locate targets. Damages/disrupts electronics, biological entities, and physical structures.
US 6470214 B1 3,500 Hz (probably) V2k 13-Dec-96 22-Oct-02 James P. O'Loughlin, Diana L. Loree United States Air Force Remotely transmits intelligible subjective sound into target consciousness. ("Voice to Skull")
US 3393279 V2K 13-Mar-62 16-Jul-68 G.P. Flanagan Listening Incorporated Allows information to be remotely conveyed to subject via electromagnetic waves.
US 3951134 100, 110, 210 MHz MK 5-Aug-74 20-Apr-76 Robert G. Malech Dorne & Margolin, Inc. Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering a target's brain waves / central nervous system
US 4395600 MK 26-Nov-80 26-Jul-83 Rene R. Lundy & David L. Tyler Subliminal manipulation of subjective emotions via remotely directed audio waves
US 4834701 4-16 Hz MK 24-Jul-85 30-May-89 Kazumi MasakiKen Hayashibara Remote neurological control via sets of low frequency waves beamed at brain
US 4858612 A microwave spectrum V2K 19-Dec-83 22-Aug-89 Philip L. StocklinStocklin Philip L Transmits sound to auditory cortex of mammals via remotely-applied microwave signals.
US 4877027 A 100-10,000 MHz V2K 6-Jun-88 31-Oct-89 Wayne B. Brunkan Brunkan Wayne B Transmits sound to auditory cortex of mammals via bursts of remotely applied microwaves.
US 5123899 A 40-80 Hz, two signals sent, which vary by 0.5-2Hz E MK 17-Jan-91 23-Jun-92 James Gall James Gall Alters mood, emotion, sleep states via remotely applied frequencies and wave forms
US 5159703 A 14.5 kHz E V2K 28-Dec-89 27-Oct-92 Oliver M. Lowery Oliver M. Lowery Presents subliminal auditory information to the human via remotely applied waves
US 5356368 A 4-212 Hz MK 1-Mar-91 18-Oct-94 Robert A. Monroe Interstate Industries Inc. (dba Monroe Products) Method of and apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness
US 6587729 B2 V2K 24-Apr-02 1-Jul-03 James P. O'Loughlin, Diana L. Loree US Air Force Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effect
US 6052336 A V2K 1-May-98 18-Apr-00 Austin Lowrey, III Lowrey, Iii; Austin Apparatus and method of broadcasting audible sound using ultrasonic sound as a carrier
US 6011991 A IR, RF or satelliteRV, MK 7-Dec-98 4-Jan-00 Aris Mardirossian Technology Patents, Llc Remotely identifies individuals by brainwave signature; monitors words, phrases, and thoughts by brain activity
US 5889870 A Voice 17-Jul-96 30-Mar-99 Elwood G. Norris American Technology Corporation (Now LRAD Corp, which stands for Long Range Acoustic Device products) Makes voices emanate from individuals who do not intend or realize it. "Ventriloquist Effect".
US 5507291 A 300-1,000 Hz RV 5-Apr-94 16-Apr-96 Robert C. Stirbl, Peter J. Wilk Stirbl; Robert C., Wilk; Peter J. Method for remotely determining information relating to a person's emotional state.
US 3393279 A V2K 13-Mar-62 16-Jul-68 Patrick Flanagan Gillis Listening Inc Remotely cause individual to hear voices via EMF waves - imperceptible to anyone else.
US 3647970 A 50 kHz E V2K 29-Aug-68 7-Mar-72 Gillis P FlanaganGillis P Flanagan Remotely cause individual to hear voices via EMF waves - imperceptible to anyone else.
US 8579793 B1 0 Hz - 5 kHz MK 27-Jan-11 12-Nov-13
James David Honeycutt,
John Clois Honeycutt,
James David Honeycutt, John
Clois Honeycutt,
Jr Controls brain state by placing engineered EMF patterns into the AC wiring of a building.
US 20140309484 A1 MK 24-Jan-14 16-Oct-14 Daniel Wonchul Chang Daniel Wonchul Chang Iduce desired brain state in person by adding waves into a music file
US 6488617 B1 M MK 13-Oct-00 3-Dec-02 Bruce F. Katz Universal Hedonics Monitor and control the brain state of an individual via pulsed magnetic fields aimed at brain
US 6506148 B2 1/2 - 2.4 Hz E MK 1-Jun-01 14-Jan-03 Hendricus G. Loos Hendricus G. Loos Manipulation subject brain waves via frequencies emanating from computer and TV screens
US 6487531 B1 M Voice 6-Jul-99 26-Nov-02
Carol A.
Tosaya, John
W. Sliwa, Jr
Carol A. Tosaya,
John W. Sliwa, Jr Makes voices emanate from individuals who do not intend or realize it. "Ventriloquist Effect". Also functions for voice-recognition.
US 6426919 B1 Voice 4-Jan-01 30-Jul-02 William A. Gerosa William A. Gerosa Portable, hand-held device for producing humanly audible sounds and voices.
US 6292688 B1 NM 28-Feb-96 18-Sep-01 Richard E. PattonAdvanced Neurotechnologies, Inc. Method and Apparatus for Analyzing Neurological Response to Emotion-Inducing Stimuli
US 6239705 B1 Loc 19-Apr-00 29-May-01 Jeffrey Glen Jeffrey Glen Intra oral electronic tracking device that can be implanted in teeth, dentures, etc.
US 6167304 A MK 17-Jun-99 26-Dec-00 Hendricus G. Loos Loos; Hendricus G. Remotely manipulates central nervous system of subject by applying electric field to skin
US 6135944 A MK 6-Nov-98 24-Oct-00
Gerard D.
Edward M.
Steven C.
Benson Zebedee Research, Inc.duce desired brain state via vibrational stimuli, preferably sound
US 8636640 B2 MK 11-Apr-09 15-Oct-09 Daniel Wonchul Chang Daniel Wonchul Chang Iduces a desired brain state via modification of music files.
US 6081744 A 1/2Hz - 2KHz E MK 17-Jul-98 27-Jun-00 Hendricus G. Loos Loos; Hendricus G. Manipulates the nervous system of a subject through remotely applied electric fields
US 6017302 A 1/2 - 2.5 Hz E MK 31-Oct-97 25-Jan-00 Hendricus G. Loos Loos; Hendricus G. Induces desired emotional state through remote EMFs. E.g., sleepiness, sexual arousal.
US 5935054 A 1/2Hz M MK 17-Jun-95 10-Aug-99 Hendricus G. Loos Loos; Hendricus G. Remotely causes subject to feel bodily swaying - i.e., earthquake or "rock the baby" sensation.
US 5899922 A 1/2 - 2.4 Hz E MK 14-Nov-97 4-May-99 Hendricus G. Loos Loos; Hendricus G. Induces desired emotional state through remote EMFs. E.g., sleepiness, sexual arousal.
US 5782874 A E MK 24-Jan-97 21-Jul-98 Hendricus G. Loos Loos; Hendricus G. Controls emotional state of subject, e.g., sleepiness, sexual arousal, slow mental processes.
US 6006188 A NM 19-Mar-97 21-Dec-99 Rostislav Bogdashevsky, Vladimir Alexeev, Vitaly Yarigin, George Baker, Harrison Stanto Dendrite, Inc Assesses psychological, physiological characteristics of a subject based on voice characteristics
US5954630 A 2Hz-20Hz MK 14-Sep-94 21-Sep-99 Kazumi Masaki, Osamu Matsuda Ken Hayashibara Controls human brainwaves by superimposing waves onto audio wave signals
US 5586967 A MK 27-Jun-94 24-Dec-96 Mark E. Davis Davis; Mark E. Controls human brainwaves by superimposing hidden phrases onto music signals
US 5539705 A MK 27-Oct-94 23-Jul-96 M. Alfred Akerman, Curtis W. Ayers, Howard D. Haynes Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. Transmits hidden speech; reconverts to normal speech signals at intended destination
US 6490480 B1 NM 14-Sep-00 3-Dec-02 Eduard LernerEduard Lerner Monitors subject neurological condition via EMFs remotely aimed at the skin.
US 5392788 A MK 3-Feb-93 28-Feb-95 William J. Hudspeth Hudspeth; William J.Reads subject brainwaves and sends stimuli to subject to alter their brainwaves as desired
US 5330414 A MK 11-Feb-92 19-Jul-94 Mitsuo YasushiPioneer Electronic Corporation Controls subject brainwaves by shining a modulated light signal into the subject's eyes.
US 5289438 A MK 13-Apr-92 22-Feb-94 James Gall James Gall Alters subject brain state via application of a variety of wave frequencies and forms.
US 7674224 B2 MK 14-Oct-05 9-Mar-10 Adam Hewett Vitrepixel Holdings, Llc Controls subject brain state by adding covert

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