Never Abandoned

1 year ago

A Voice Crying In The Desert Outreach Presents:

Conversations With The Evangelist

"Never Abandoned"

Have you ever made a mistake? Done something Religious People consider to be a terrible sin? Have you suffered from mental illness, addiction, alcoholism, trauma, abuse, or even just simply poverty?

Then God has a message for you: He has never and will never abandon you.
While Religious Men may reject or abandon you, God loves you enough to patiently wait until you are ready to return to Him. We know this because Jesus told us the story of the #ProdigalSon. We know this because He waited for me even when I abandoned Him.

32 years ago I walked away from the only Home I have ever had and turned my back on the only family I will ever have. Then two years ago when I was willing to move past the guilt and shame, I returned to ZUB (Zanesville United Brethren Church) and they welcomed me with open arms. That is #Jesus.
Join the Conversation today and learn both how this can apply in your life and what it is God is calling His Children to do for those we often ignore or completely reject and abandon.

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