12 Days of #christmas & their hidden blessings

1 year ago

Christmas is one of Pastor Sammy’s favorite topics to teach about, and in this concise and detailed teaching, he expounds on the brief history as well as what every gift given on all 12 days of Christmas represent. Join along and share the joy of God’s word with others. If this is your first time joining us, we count on you to freely click on the subscribe, Like, and the follow buttons on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble and Tik Tok. We are also available in Spanish, under Poder y Consejo con Pastor Sammy.

The #holidays can be a great time of #stress and if you are in need of #prayer , reach out to us via e-mail, at

📧 Pastorsammysalazar.wow@mail.com

if you would like to make an appointment for #deliverance or #pastoral care, send us a message and someone will return your message as soon as possible. If you are facing a life threatening emergency, please call 911 or the emergency number in your region.

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