12th Law of Illuminati

1 year ago

Honor your mother and father for their light is a part of your light and their light brought you into the light. You honor the greater light when you respect your parents.
Antichrists= 140 1797 to #’s+ 140+32= 1969-Satanic Bible.
1:40-Michael Jordan Birthtime

Honor is used 6 times in scripture.
Means Commemorate or Respect

Isaiah 43:20
Judges 4:9
Hebrews 2:7
1 Peter 1:7
1 Maccabees 3:3
2 Maccabees 14:7

Notice 6 verses Honor 6 times used. 66 Books in Testaments
While some of us may not get along with our mom or dad. Do the smallest deed and do respect them. For those who don't get along with their parents its easier just to avoid associating with them. By not saying anything you are showing respect because your not saying something you wish you didn't say in the first place.

God. 60 words. Honor is used 6 times in scripture.
66 books in Testaments.
666= 333,333. Half Evil. Half Good.

Kanye West was 666 hours old when his mother was sacrificed
Respect your mother because you passed through her. Respect your father because his light mixed with your mother’s light in getting you here. Honor them all of their days. They cared for you when you could not care for yourself.
This too honors the Greater Light.

Before you begin the journey of discovering who you are, your purpose, and how you want to make a contribution, you must first understand that your light is a combination of two: the light of your mother and the light of your father. If for no other reason (even if they make no contribution to your success), they must be respected. As your parents. By disrespecting them you are like a soldier using the dagger in his right hand to stab himself in the left arm. It hurts only you. By condemning them, you are diminishing who you are and thus dimming your light. In the House of Illuminati, we have discovered that the high-minded and mighty tend to regard themselves as self-made. This is foolishness. This behavior is not tolerated and will lead to your dismissal from the House. Once you leave there is no returning back. Therefor, show your parents as much love as possible.

723 characters. Trilateral Commission
7/23-Date of James Jordan being Sacrificed.

88-Baphomet. Kanye was 88 in hours old when his mother was sacrificed.

Illuminati found 122nd day.

Malcolm X father was sacrificed 9/28/1931-122,000 days between his Son Malcolm X being assassinated on 2/21/1965

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